Level Up In The Trades

The Associated General Contractors of Alaska, Inc. (AGC of Alaska) scholarship program is designated to encourage students to pursue a career in the construction industry or related field. Scholarships will be awarded to those seeking training in the trades and/or degree seeking applicants. Specific career paths include: engineering, architecture, construction management, design, as well as any of the trades, or any other related careers such as safety, accounting, insurance, bonding, and human resources or other related services.

The AGC Workforce Development Committee Review team will award up to $40,000 in scholarships!


  • Applicants must plan to enter the construction industry or a related (supportive) field such as accounting, insurance, bonding, human resources, etc.
  • An individual must submit a complete application with the following PDF attachments:
  • One-page essay on career goals. Max 500 words
  • One-page personal essay (i.e. hobbies, connection to industry, fulltime employment and fulltime student status, family obligations, etc.). Max 500 words
  • Copy of recent transcripts (depending on applicant status may be high school or college-whichever is most applicable)
  • Two (2) letters of recommendation written within the last two years.
  • Applicant must be either a U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States and a resident of Alaska

Submittal of Applications

All applications must be submitted online by March 31st at midnight Alaska time.

All supporting documents MUST be submitted as PDF files. Watch this video to see how to convert your documents to a PDF file.